1. Because of their authoritative nature, male managers, thrive on confrontation and delegation of duties.
    It is sometimes claimed that because of their authoritative nature, many male managers, thrive on confrontation and delegation of duties.
  2. The standardized examination method of testing is ineffective for indicating student success
    It has been argued that standardized examination testing may not be the most effective method for indicating student success.
  3. International businesses operating overseas do so to avoid tax regulations and other methods of corporate governance.
    Some international businesses operating overseas may do so to avoid tax regulations and other methods of corporate governance.
  4. Play therapy is the best option when working with children.
    Play therapy can be an effective option when working with children.
  5. The use of cultural dialect in The Joy Luck Club is insulting and demeaning to Chinese immigrants to the United States.
    The use of cultural dialect in The Joy Luck Club might be considered insulting and demeaning to Chinese immigrants to the United States.
  6. Employers and admissions officers for higher degrees consider GPA above all other elements when selecting students.
    Most employers and admissions officers for higher degrees consider a number of factors including GPA when selecting students.
  7. Sex education always leads to promiscuity in young people.
    Critics maintain that sex education can lead to promiscuity in young people.
  8. Only female nurses are able to develop an empathetic relationship with the patient.
    Studies suggest that patients see female nurses as more empathetic than their male counterparts.
  9. Exercise between activities is the only way to keep children focused during the day.
    Exercise between activities appears to keep children focused during the day.
  10. Graft and corruption are rampant in Mainland China and without them business would not operate smoothly.
    Unethical behaviour appears to be common in Mainland China and without it, it is possible business would not operate smoothly.